Priority between Two Items, for Mitzvah Use
Mitzvah to use the First Available Item
Separating Two goats for the
Yom Kippur Scapegoat
: Yoma 62a
Separating Two Lambs for the
Pesach Offering
: Yoma 64a
Separating Two Animals, one as a potential replacement, for a Sin Offering: Yoma 65a
Use of the Shekel donations: Yoma 64a
Using an Item for Multiple Mitzvot [Chavilot Chavilot]
Using one cup of wine for Two recitals of Kiddush-Rite introducing Shabbat: Pesachim 102b
For two Mitzvot of the same breed, as opposed to two disparate Mitzvot: Pesachim 102b
Using the bread of a
meal which extends the Shabbat Travel Border [Techum]
for one of the two loaves of the Shabbat Meal: Shabbat 117b
Having one Kohen
give two women the "Sotah water" to drink
at once: Sotah 8a
Having one Kohen
purify two lepers
at once: Sotah 8a
Having one person
pierce the ears of two avadim
at once: Sotah 8a
Performing the
"Eglah Arufah" rite
on two calves at once: Sotah 8a
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