Piercing the eved's ear
Freeing this eved in the Yovel [Jubilee] Year
Freedom via the death of the Master
The Procedure
When the eved has to state his desire to remain: Kiddushin 15a, 22a
How often the eved has to state his desire to remain: Kiddushin 22a
What sort of implement is used to pierce the ear: Kiddushin 21b
Whether a medication which will pierce the ear may be used: Kiddushin 21b
Whether it is specifically the
right ear
: Yevamot 104a; Kiddushin 15a; Zevachim 24b
Why the Ear, specifically, is pierced: Kiddushin 22b
Where on the ear: Kiddushin 21b
How fully the ear must be pierced: Kiddushin 22b
Whether the door must be attached/upright: Kiddushin 22b
Why the piercing is done by the door: Kiddushin 22b
Legal Issues
The concern for
using one item for two Mitzvot simultaneously
, if one person does this to two avadim simultaneously: Sotah 8a
Acquisition of an Eved by piercing his ear: Kiddushin 14b, 21b
Source for the departure of this eved in the
Jubilee Year
: Kiddushin 21b
Whether we require that both eved and master have wives and children: Kiddushin 22a
Whether we require that both eved and master "love" each other: Kiddushin 22a
Whether we require that both eved and master be healthy: Kiddushin 22a
Whether an Eved who is a Kohen may have his ear pierced: Kiddushin 21b
Which types of avadim [
] are eligible for this: Kiddushin 14b-15a
Whether this also works for a
female eved
: Kiddushin 15a [2x], 16b, 17b
Whether an Eved who has had his ear pierced may be
: Kiddushin 17b [3x], 21b; Bava Metzia 71a
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