Acquiring one item by picking up a proxy item - Kinyan Sudar and Kinyan Chalipin
This type of transaction
Viability of this form of transaction: Bava Metzia 11b
Do we assume a transaction is chalipin, rather than sale, if the seller does not care to verify the amount of currency or the value of the barter item being offered: Bava Metzia 46b-47a
Whether this form of acquisition will work to acquire land: Kiddushin 3a
The representative item used for the Chalipin
Whose item is used, that of the buyer or the seller, for the symbolic act of kinyan chalipin: Bava Metzia 47a-b
Whether this form of acquisition requires the transfer of an item worth some minimal amount, a Perutah, or not even that: Kiddushin 3a, 13a; Bava Metzia 47a
Whether this form of acquisition requires the transfer of a complete item: Bava Metzia 47a-b
Whether this form of acquisition will work by exchanging produce [and commodities in general?]: Kiddushin 8a, 28b; Bava Metzia 45b-47b
Whether coins may be used as the Item of Transfer: Kiddushin 28a-b; Bava Metzia 45b-47b
Mechanics of the Chalipin transaction
At what point the seller becomes required to hand over his item in exchange: Kiddushin 28a-b