Status of holes in a wall of a Karmelit [Chorei Karmelit]: Eruvin 87b
Status of a stream which runs through a yard: Eruvin 87a-b
Status of a stream which runs past the windows of houses: Eruvin 87a-b
Whether we consider the adjacent rooves of a town a single, unified area [unless one of them is too far above/below the others], or not: Eruvin 35a, 89a-91a
According to the opinion that one may not carry more than four cubits on a roof, may one extend those four cubits into an adjacent Karmelit: Eruvin 90a
Status of a boat: Eruvin 90a-b
Status of an overturned boat: Eruvin 90b
Status of an un-walled pavillion in the middle of a Karmelit; invoking the principle of "Pi Tikrah" to extend an imaginary wall downward from the edge of the roof: Eruvin 25a-b, 90a, 94b; Succah 18b-19a