Details of the Parah Adumah [Red Heifer]
Whether the red heifer is considered to be
bedek habayit - an entity consecrated for the upkeep of the Beit haMikdash
: Zevachim 14b; Temurah 20a
from the parah adumah: Pesachim 26a-b; Menachos 51b-52a
from the parah adumah's ashes: Menachot 51b-52a
If a bird landed on the parah adumah: Pesachim 26a, Bava Metzia 30a
If a bull had sexual intercourse with the parah adumah: Pesachim 26b, Bava Metzia 30a
What happens if someone slaughters the parah adumah
outside the Beit haMikdash
: Temurah 6b
of a parah adumah considered a valid 'shechitah' for various laws, such as the prohibition against
oto v'et bno - shechitah of an animal and its young on the same day
: Keritot 25a
Using a red heifer which had been
prostitute's fee
: Temurah 30b
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