Why she was also known as "Yiskah": Megillah 14a
Why Avraham told Avimelech that Sarah was his sister: Makkot 9a-b
Switching her name from Sarai to Sarah: Berachot 13a
Using "Sarai" after the change: Berachot 13a
Sarah was one of the 4 most beautiful women in the world: Megillah 15a
Sarah was answered by Gd, by conceiving a child, on
Rosh HaShanah
: Rosh HaShanah 10b, 11a
Sarah re-started her menstrual cycle when the angels visited to inform her and Avraham that she would bear Isaac: Rosh HaShanah 11a
Sarah died because her own case came up for judgment when she asked Gd to punish Hagar: Rosh HaShanah 16b
She was one of the 7
whose prophecy was recorded: Megillah 14a
Avimelech's "
" to Sarah resulted in
's blindness: Megillah 15a, 28a
Where Sarah was buried: Eruvin 53a
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