Are colds and fevers an "Act of Gd": Ketuvot 30a-b
Blood-letting for an Animal which has "Achazo Dam" [Gripped by Blood]: Pesachim 11a-b
Arketa: Shabbat 109b
Askera אסכרא: Pesachim 105a [for eating before Havdalah]; Niddah 20a-b
Baldness: Ketuvot 60b [see Rashi גירדני]
Bordam, a disease which causes either massive dehydration or massive hemorraging, depending on the interpretation: Nedarim 41b
Bowel irregularity: Shabbat 110a; Nedarim 22a
Bulmus בולמוס:Yoma 83a, 83b
Bulmus is cured when "Yei'oru Eynav [his eyes are lit]": Yoma 83a
Chaspenita [A Rash]: Shabbat 133b-134a
Eye-ache cures: Shabbat 108b
Eye-ache non-cures: Shabbat 109a
Gandripas גנדריפס: Chagigah 3b
Giluya גלויא [Disease from eating certain items that have been left out uncovered]: Shabbat 109b [water]; Beitzah 7b [ground garlic]; Niddah 17a [diluted beverages]
Causing tzaraat in one's children by engaging in sexual relations immediately after undergoing blood-letting: Niddah 17a
Sleeping on the skin of a Shivuta fish during the Nisan season: Pesachim 112b
Eating the remains of a dish of small fish called "Kasa DeHarsana": Pesachim 112b
Regularly bathing with overly hot water: Pesachim 112b
Walking on eggshells: Pesachim 112b
Wearing clothing within 8 days of its laundering, while bugs can still survive in it: Pesachim 112b
Meeting a pig after blood-letting, before eating: Shabbat 129a-b
Ameimar, Mar Zutra and Rav Ashi were sitting before the palace of Persian King Yezdegerd, when food was brought past them. Rav Ashi saw that Mar Zutra was so faint that he was at risk of tzaraat. He gave Mar Zutra food from the platter, and then excused his actions to the Persian officers by saying he had seen bad pork in the dish, and he knew that by sampling the dish with his hand he would cause the king not to eat it. Indeed, they found such meat in it. Rav Ashi explained to the sages that he relied on a miracle only to save Mar Zutra's health: Ketuvot 61a-b
The danger of walking on a donkey's blood: Ketuvot 60b
The damaging impact of sighing on the body: Ketuvot 62a