Physical Behavior in Prayer
Orientation within the Synagogue
Issues of communal prayer
Three steps
Taking three steps backward after the Amidah: Yoma 53b
Direction of Prayer
Where one's eyes should face, if praying in Israel: Yevamot 105b
Where one's heart should "face", when praying in Israel: Yevamot 105
The Volume of Prayer
Praying in a loud voice shows one is of little faith, failing to recognize that
Gd hears all
: Berachot 24b
Prayer is termed "lechishah" - whispering: Taanit 8a
Praying loudly to improve one's concentration: Berachot 24b
Raising one's voice in prayer imitates the ways of
false prophets
: Berachot 24b
Standing with one's legs facing the same way: Berachot 10b
Keeping one's legs together: Rashi Berachot 10b "VeRagleihem"
Prayer of a Laborer Standing in different types of Trees: Berachot 16a
Prayer of a Self-Employed Laborer Standing in different types of Trees: Berachot 16a
Order of Bowing: Berachot 12a
Method of Bowing: Berachot 12b, Tos. Berachot 12b #1
How far one may bow his head in prayer, if the floor is a stone floor, which may be associated with
: Megillah 22a, 22b
Spinal damage for not bowing for "Modim" for 7 years: Bava Kama 16a
Holding Objects During Prayer
Holding anything while praying the Amidah: Berachot 23b; Succah 41b
or a
Torah Scroll
during the Amidah: Berachot 23b; Succah 41b
Holding a
while reciting the Amidah on the holiday of Succot: Succah 41b
Inappropriate Activities During Prayer
Yawning, spitting, belching and sneezing during the Amidah: Berachot 24a-b
Passing gas
during the Amidah: Berachot 24b
Removing lice from one's clothing during the Amidah: Berachot 24a-b
Reciting the Amidah while one is unclothed, by keeping his head beyond a divider between his head and his unclothed areas: Berachot 24b-25a
Reciting a blessing and
donning a tallit
during the Amidah: Berachot 24b
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