Court Testimony / Witnesses
Procedure in Financial Cases
Procedure in Capital Cases
Rules of general credibility
Rules of testimony in court
Testimony: Beyond the laws
The pre-crime warning for the criminal
Invalid testimony
Hearsay and circumstantial evidence
False testimony
Testimony via document
Court's stamp on a document, ordering payment
Oath of Testimony
Korban for a false oath of testimony
Responsibility to Testify
Responsibility of witnesses to warn potential criminals of their crime [Hatraah]
Selecting witnesses
A witness whose honesty is suspect
Status of a lone witness
Conflicts of interest; Self-incrimination
Testimony of a nasi
Testimony of a nochri
Testimony of an eved
Testimony of a minor
Whether a judge or proxy may also serve as a witness
Edim Zomimin - Witnesses who plan false incrimination
Invalidating Witnesses
Credibility for Specific Types of Testimony
Testimony Allowing a woman to Remarry
In Cases of Law involving the [Im-]Permissibility of an Item
Credibility regarding adultery
Credibility regarding Ketubah [money paid to a woman in the event of widowing or divorce]
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