Caused by a Torah Scholar about whom there are bad rumors: Moed Katan 17a
A regular person about whom bad rumors exist: Megillah 25b
Ex-Communication of a Chief Justice for multiple sins, because of the disgrace caused: Moed Katan 17a
Not allowing a Kohen to sell an unblemished First-Born Kosher Animal to a non-Kohen, lest he appear to be doing so in order to receive later such animals from this person, which would be disgraceful, turning it into a business: Temurah 8b
Choosing between the honor of a teacher and preventing disgrace to Gd's Name: Berachot 19b; Eruvin 63a
Public violation of a rabbinic law is a disgrace to Gd's Name: Eruvin 63a
Wearing shaatnez garments in public is a disgrace to Gd's Name: Berachot 19b