Legal Threshold-Points for Performing Mitzvot / Transgressions
General Issues
Transgressing with Half of the Illegal Amount
General Issues in Threshold Amounts
Threshold Amounts for Issues of Purity and Impurity
Threshold amounts in transporting entities between domains on Shabbat
Combining Permitted and Prohibited Items to arrive at the Amount for Violation
Issurei Hanaah - Items from which one may not Benefit
Dichuy - Removal of Eligibility from an Item, for a Mitzvah or a Rite
Lavud - Considering entities which are separated by a small space, as though they were united
Gud Achit, Gud Asik - Considering walls as though they extended upward or downward to a point in space
Omeid Merubeh Al haParutz - Considering gaps nullified by their surroundings
Specific Volume Measurements
Barley-Kernel sized amounts
A "Reviit" sized liquid amount
A Lentil sized amount
A Dried Fig Amount
An Olive-Sized Amount
An Egg-Sized Amount
A Date-Sized Amount
A Cheekful
A Seah
An Isaron
Achilat Peras
Specific Length Measurements
A Cubit [Ammah]
A Mil
A Parasang [Parsah]
A Hand-breadth [Tefach]
Financial Measurements
Chomesh - Laws that involve adding an automatic 1/5 when paying for something
Perutah - The most minimal coin of halachic significance
Time Measurements
Achilat Peras
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