The minimum size of the sink: Zevachim 19b, 21b-22a
The size of the cup with which one washes: Zevachim 21b-22a
The sanctity of the base [kan] of the sink: Zevachim 22a
The sink's twelve spigots, designed by Ben Ketina: Zevachim 20a
The pulley Ben Ketinaengineered for the sink, so that it could be lowered into a pool of water: Zevachim 20a, 21b
Was the water mikvah water or maayan [spring] water: Zevachim 22a-b
Use of the sink
Does water which is left in the sink overnight become disqualified for washing for daytime services, or for nighttime services, or for both: Zevachim 20a, 21a-b
Submersion of the sink at night, or just before first light, to avoid disqualifying its contents: Zevachim 20a, 21a-b
When the kohen who would collect the ashes raised or submerged the sink for washing, that signaled the other kohanim that the time for washing had arrived: Zevachim 21b