Harm caused by animals that are known to be dangerous [muad מועד] and animals that are not known to be dangerous [tam תם]
On this page, "tam" refers to an animal that is not known to be dangerous, and "muad" refers to an animal that is known to be dangerous.
The different fines
Considering the payment for damage caused by one's tam to be a fine or ordinary restitution: Bava Kama 15a
Splitting the categories of tam and muad in terms of liability to pay for damages: Bava Kama 2b, 4a, 5b, 15a, 16b, 17a
Splitting the categories in payment which is above the value of the aggressor animal: Bava Kama 15a, 16b
The above, in terms of who pays for depreciation of the victim's corpse in the time between the damage and the trial: Bava Kama 15a
An animal which is considered dangerous to people is also considered dangerous to animals, but not vice versa: Bava Kama 2b
Whether a tam pays Extra "Kofer" Compensation for murder at all, or possibly Half-"Kofer": Pesachim 22b; Ketuvot 41a-b; Bava Kama 15a
Whether a tam pays for causing a miscarriage at all, or possibly half-damages: Pesachim 22b