Holiness of a Synagogue
Other Issues of the Synagogue
Holiness [Kedushah]
The Holiness Itself
Whether declaring a Synagogue as a Synagogue, before using it, has any legal validity: Megillah 26b
Holiness of a temporary Synagogue: Megillah 26a
A difference in the holiness of Babylonian Synagogues, from others: Megillah 28b
Uses of a Synagogue
Running to or from a Synagogue: Berachot 6b
Use for shelter: Megillah 28b [2x]
Use for study: Megillah 28b
Use for figuring accounts: Megillah 28b
for use of a Synagogue for figuring accounts: Megillah 28b
Light-headed behavior: Megillah 28a, 28b
Eating in a Synagogue: Megillah 28a; Tos. Pesachim 101a #3
intoxicating beverages
in a Synagogue: Megillah 26b
Using it as a room for cosmetic preparation: Megillah 28b
The Above, for
Torah Scholars
: Megillah 28b
Sleeping in a Synagogue: Tos. Pesachim 101a #3
Planting seeds in a Synagogue: Megillah 26b
Taking a walk in a Synagogue: Megillah 28b
Taking a shortcut through a Synagogue: Megillah 27b
Taking a shortcut if a path was there before the Synagogue was there: Megillah 29a
Taking a shortcut if one entered in order to pray: Megillah 29a
Entering without intent to travel a shortcut: Megillah 29a
Entering to call someone: Megillah 28b
long life
for not using a Synagogue for a shortcut: Megillah 27b
Use for a
: Megillah 28b [2x]
Uses of a Former Synagogue
Having an individual's
: Megillah 28a
As a
Ritual Bath
: Megillah 27b
As a shortcut: Megillah 28a, 29a
As a tannery: Megillah 27b
As a bathhouse: Megillah 27b
As a
: Megillah 27b
Using a Synagogue which has been presented as a gift: Megillah 26b
Whether a Synagogue loses its sanctity, if sold by
7 Town Leaders
in the presence of the townspeople: Megillah 26a-b
within 4 cubits of the place where one recently prayed: Megillah 27b
Spreading ropes, nets or fruit: Megillah 28a
Uprooting the grass from the ruins: Megillah 28a-b, 29a
Sale/Exchange of a Synagogue
Whether one must include a condition allowing for re-purchase of the Synagogue, or not: Megillah 27b
Selling or exchanging a Synagogue for something, so that its holiness is transferred to another item: Megillah 26b
Using a Synagogue as payment of a lease, or as collateral: Megillah 26b
Selling a public Synagogue to a private individual, or a Synagogue from a large community to a smaller one: Megillah 27b
Selling or exchanging bricks of a Synagogue for something else: Megillah 26b
Lending out bricks from a Synagogue: Megillah 26b
Using the money from the sale of the
town road
for purchase of a Synagogue, or the reverse: Megillah 25b
Using the money from the sale of a Synagogue for purchase of an
ark for the Torah Scroll
, or vice versa: Megillah 25b
Who has the right to sell a small or large Synagogue, of a village or of a central city: Megillah 26a
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