Mitzvah of Reciting Shema; Structure of Shema
Joining Prayers of Redemption and the Amidah, in the Service
The Mitzvah
Is the mitzvah biblical or rabbinic: Berachot 21a
Going to the bathroom and Washing one's hands
before Recitation of Shema: Berachot 14b-15a
Should/Must be read with
on: Berachot 14b
If one misses reciting Shema in the Morning/Night, it is considered an
Incorrectible Sin
: Berachot 26a; Chagigah 9b
Missing Shema was a cause for
Destruction of Jerusalem
: Shabbat 119b
When minors become obligated in the Mitzvah: Berachot 20a; Succah 42a
Shema Vs. fulfilling
Publicity of Miracle
: Berachot 14a
Reciting Shema at Other Times
Reciting the Shema for protection, in times when one is gripped by inexplicable terror: Megillah 3a
Structure of Shema
"Shema Yisrael" was originally stated by
: Pesachim 56a
"Baruch Shem..." was originally stated by
Yaakov's children
: Pesachim 56a
Inclusion of "Baruch Shem..": Pesachim 56a
Saying "Baruch Shem..." silently: Pesachim 56a
Saying "Baruch Shem..." out loud, because otherwise the
Attackers of Torah claim
that we are secretly adding improper prayers: Pesachim 56a
Attempt to add the Ten Commandments to Recitation of Shema outside the Temple: Berachot 12a
Linking the Ten Commandments to the Verses of Shema: Tos. Berachot 12b #3
Attempt to add the
Section of "Balak"
in Recitation of Shema: Berachot 12b
Inclusion of the Torah's Section on Tzitzit-Fringes in Recitation of Shema: Berachot 12b
Departure from Egypt
at night: Berachot 12b, 14b
remind a person of the Recitation of the "Shema": Menachot 43b
Placement of Shema in Prayer
Purpose of Reading Shema at Evening Prayers if it is before the
Evening Time Span Begins
: Rosh Berachot 1:1
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