The angel Gavriel wanting to save Avraham from Nimrod's furnace, and Hashem's insistence on doing it Himself: Pesachim 118a
Avraham and AviMelech, King of the Pelishtim
Why Avraham told Avimelech that Sarah was his sister: Makkot 9a-b
Whether Avimelech would have been liable for capital punishment in a human court, for taking Sarah: Makkot 9a-b
Samson began to save the Jews from the Philistines, as in his time Avimelech's descendants broke his oath to Avraham that his descendants wouldn't harm the Jews. Therefore, Samson used foxes in attacking them; the fox is wily in its retreat, too: Sotah 9b-10a
Avraham & the War of the Kings
Avraham's age during the War of the Kings: Tos. Berachot 7b #1
Avraham's preparations for War: Nedarim 32a
Avraham's soldier[s]: Nedarim 32a
Eliezer's involvement in the War with the Kings: Nedarim 32a
Avraham and the splitting of the Booty: Nedarim 32a
Avraham getting the right to have the Kohanimdescend from him instead of from Shem / Malki Tzedek, when Shem blessed Avraham before thanking Gd after the war with the Kings: Nedarim 32b