Building the Temple - Binyan Beit haMikdash
King Solomon
Sanctification of materials for the Temple
The Importance of performing a Mitzvah beautifully
Measurements of Length
The Temple was in
Joseph's share in Israel
: Megillah 16b
Parts of the Beit haMikdash were constructed in
Binyamin and Yehudah's shares in Israel
: Zevachim 53b-54b
King David and Samuel
Har haBayit
as the site on which to build the Beit haMikdash, based on the
text of the book of Yehoshua
: Zevachim 54b
was jealous that King David
on which to build the Beit haMikdash: Zevachim 54b
The Beit haMikdash as a site higher than any other place in Israel, but not quite the highest: Zevachim 54b
The schedule of the workers who constructed the First Beit haMikdash: Ketuvot 62a
The Construction
The Temple was constructed with
Divine Inspiration
: Succah 51b
The value of
Learning Torah
, vs. building the Temple: Megillah 16b
Number of judges
necessary in adding to the Temple: Sanhedrin 2a
The building of the Temple is considered a result of the deeds of the Righteous: Ketuvot 5a
The women wove wool while it was still on the sheep: Shabbat 74b
If one wouldn't use a certain quality of work before a human king, how much more so before Hashem!: Shabbat 74b
There was to be no act resembling one of poverty, in a place of wealth: Shabbat 102b
Clay/Mortar was not used on
The Temple Mount
: Shabbat 115a
Using stones which have been
a prostitute's fee
: Temurah 30b
Paying the craftsmen with
Temple Offerings
: Temurah 31b
Paying the craftsmen with
property which has been dedicated for Temple upkeep
: Temurah 31b [2x]
What happened if someone contracted to provide supplies for the Temple, and then the price of the supplies increased or decreased: Bava Metzia 57b
The pieces of the Tabernacle were buried beneath the Temple: Sotah 9a
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