Sets of Citations of Rabbi Yochanan

Set of general statements: Rosh HaShanah 23a

Set of statements related to Samson: Sotah 10a

Set of statements on Nevuchadnezzar: Shabbat 149b

Set of statements quoted by Rabbi Chiyya bar Abba: Shabbat 114a; Megillah 19b

Set of extra-legal statements: Nedarim 38a

Set of statements on the greatness of rain: Taanit 8b-9a

Set of statements, cited by his students, of financial laws: Bava Metzia 16b-17a

Set of statements on guarding one's property and wealth: Bava Metzia 29b-30a

Set of statements, quoted by Rabbi Chiyya Bar Abba, on Laws of a Torah Scholar's level: Shabbat 114a

Set of statements cited by Rabbi Shefatyah: Megillah 32a

Rabbi Chiyya bar Abba citing a statement of Rabbi Yochanan, and then "smashing it on the head": Megillah 19b [2x]

Set of statements of mourning: Moed Katan 27b

Quoting a set of extra-legal statements of Rabbi Yosi: Berachot 7a

Quoting a set of extra-legal statements of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai: Berachot 7b

Rabbi Yochanan quoting a set of statements from the People of Jerusalem: Pesachim 113a

Exchanging "Rabbi Yochanan" for "Rabbi Yonatan" in debates in the tractates of the Holidays: Succah 4b; Megillah 7a

Two Sages of the Talmud (amoraim) arguing as to what Rabbi Yochanan said: Shabbat 112b; Eruvin 87b; Ketuvot 77a; Gittin 23a; Bava Metzia 38b; Menachot 52b

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