Tort Law
General Issues
The philosophy behind tort law
The System of Restitution
The System of Fines
Responsibility for one's property
Guarding others' property
General Classes of Damage
Damage caused without direct action
Damage resulting indirectly from an action
Invisible damages
Damage to the Public
Damaging Sanctified Items
Damage by Sanctified Items
Damaging nochrim
Damaging avadim
Physical Damage
Murder רציחה
Wounding חבלה
Accidental Murder, and the City of Refuge עיר מקלט
Eglah Arufah עגלה ערופה
Rape and Seduction אונס ומפתה
Animals which are known to be dangerous [מועד] and Animals which are not known to be dangerous [תם]
Creating an Obstruction בור
Human-Caused Harm אדם
Fire אש
Goring קרן
Eating שן
Trampling רגל
Damage from the by-products of one's actions צרורות
Blowing a Horn in Another's Ear
The "Kofer" payment which is paid for killing a human being כופר
Murderous Animals שור הנסקל
Beyond Physical Damage
Embarrassing Another Person
Surreptitious Theft and Armed Robbery
Breaking and Entering
Overstepping the boundaries of another's business
Employees' Salaries
Commercial Oppression
False Testimony
Witnesses Who Plan False Testimony - Edim Zomimin
Building Protective Fences around Rooves
Damage caused by Observing Another's Property [Hezek Ri'eeyah]
Causing a Prohibition against use of Another's Items
Turning over another's property for harm by non-Jews [Mesirah]
Issues in Litigation
General Issues in Litigation
The Parties' claims
Property which is Ownerless
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