Taharah - Ritual Qualification/Purification
Purification Processes
The Red Heifer [Parah Adumah פרה אדומה]
Cycle of Purification via the Red Heifer
Dimensions of a Ritual Bath for Purification, and the Water
Maayan - Spring
Immersion in a Ritual Bath for Purification
Specifics of Separation between the Skin and Water, Invalidating Immersion
Ritual Washing of Hands and Feet
Immersion before Entering the Temple
Immersion before Holidays
The Assumption that people are pure during Yom Tov
Making vessels kosher
Immersing vessels in a mikvah
Ritual Purity: Beyond the laws
Principles for determining impurity
Levels of impurity
Rabbinically instituted impurity
Threshold quantities involved with impurity [shiurim]
Cases of uncertain impurity [safek tumah]
Ways in which items are enabled to become impure [hechsher l'kabel tumah]
Impurity of sanctified items
Impurity of Terumah
Impurity of Challah [Dough-Tithe]
Impurity of ordinary food [chullin]
Entering the Beit haMikdash while impure
Specific Impurities and Communications
Oholot - Rooved Structures Containing Impurity
Defining the boundaries of an item which contracts impurity, in terms of its ability to communicate impurity
Impurity of dead bodies and those who touch them
Bones of a dead body
Blood of a dead body
Impurity of corpses
Impurity of a grave
Impurity of crawling creatures
Impurity communicated through carrying impure items
Impurity communicated through moving [Heset] impure items
Impurity communicated through contact
Impurity communicated through contact with seats, beds and other supports of impure people
Impurity of "Even Masma"
Flesh or limbs from a live being
Field with a grave somewhere in it
Impurity of foods
Impurity of liquids
Impurity in swallowing something impure
Impurity of vessels
Impurity of a person who is not known to be careful about purity [am ha'aretz]
Purity of a woman after giving birth
Purity of a menstruating woman
Purity of a metzora
Purity of a nazir
Impurity of seed [keri]
Impurity of genital discharge
Impurity resulting from certain Temple services
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